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-   -   Natural Alternatives to Cleaning Products etc. (http://www.jumbletown.ie/forums/showthread.php?t=25864)

Dimples1553 06-03-2009 10:39 AM

My answer to a cleaner healthier environment!
I reluctantly joined Melaleuca.com 2 years ago.....Initially I thought their products were expensive and then realised that they weren't as my shopping bills reduced dramatically! i had decided to go Eco as this planets problems are rapidly accelerating out of control.
All their products are Eco friendly and of top quality.
I especially love their soaps and shampoos as well as their cleaning products.
To be honest i do not find their washing products brilliant...ok for coloured clothes but for items like chefs jackets....a 'no no'!!! Their washing up liquid is fantastic! Better than any I have ever used before including say the likes of well know general products that we all have bought in our supermarkets.
Their cosmetics are fantastic. Checkout their products and get back to me with any questions! I am not vying for business here...I just love their goods!
My advice to folks who wish to sign up is to spread the costs around with say 3 friends.....become a member to avail of cheaper costs and share out the products with your 3 friends.
Am sure you will be thrilled at how much you will save on all these toxic cleaning products that are in our supermarkets!
And remember Vinegar and Bread Soda are the most fantastic cleaning products! Cheap to buy and use!
Dimples 1553

colmsmum 06-03-2009 12:04 PM

Hi All,

Can anyone tell me where I can buy a large bottle of white vinegar? They only have small bottles that cost a fortune in the supermarket & doesn't go far with the use it gets here.

Thanks & regards,

bluecurlygirl 06-03-2009 12:50 PM

Bread soda is a good degreaser and is an old fashioned cleaner that is environmentally friendly.

it's a water softener.

It has many other uses to numerous to mention here

has anyone any other uses to tell us[/quote]

Hiya - I think if you read this entire thread from beginning to end you'll find about a million uses for Bread soda listed on it and a lot of them I didn't know. I've typed up a list at this stage and printed it. It's hanging up in my kitchen and gets referred to often. I clean my electric cooker and my range with bread soda, washing up liquid and lemon juice and my face with bread soda and sugar!!

bluecurlygirl 06-03-2009 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by colmsmum
Hi All,

Can anyone tell me where I can buy a large bottle of white vinegar? They only have small bottles that cost a fortune in the supermarket & doesn't go far with the use it gets here.

Thanks & regards,

Would your local chip shop buy you some in the cash and carry?

colmsmum 06-03-2009 01:21 PM

Never thought of that, thanks for the tip.

Dimples1553 06-03-2009 02:33 PM

Large Gallon Bottles of Vinegar
Have you any friends who work in catering? If so ask them when they go to the Cash & Carry i.e Musgraves to pick you up a bottle there! Or ask wherever you work as if it's an office they must have cleaners etc andsee if your firm have a Cash & Carry Account set up.

Hope this helps!

sandramcs 03-06-2009 02:48 PM

green cleaning
I am exhausted! have just spent the past few hours scooshing vinegar on windows and washing paintwork and dusting and hoovering and generally getting ready for an invasion due a week today. Nothing like visitors to get the sleeves up. When I was at home many moons ago vinegar was the liquid of choice for washing the windows, and that happened every week. My mother would die if she could see the windows on our house. vinegar is also magic in the bathroom, including in the bath. I recently got a couple of books on Vinegar and Bicarbonate of soda - baking soda here in Ireland. I have begun cleaning my teeth with the bicarb, and I do think I see a difference in colour. I put it in the washing machine and it seems to have cleared out the residue of soap. It has been used in the dishwasher and takes away the smell, and the dishes and cutlery were gleaming. I need to keep my feet as cool as possible or I run the risk of eczema outbreaks, and decided to give them a bicarb soak yesterday. yep, it works. I know from reading through all the entries that there are a lot of you who are well acquainted with the benefits of said cleaning agents. The little video put up by Chris is also to the point. I want to get bigger quantities, now that I have this bee in my bonnet. I have googled but to no effect, so will see if Musgraves will look kindly on an innocent member of the public looking for the above two items, and borax. I forget why borax, and also soda crystals. Then when all the existing cleaning agents are finished, no more of them. Well, maybe a pack of fairy non-bio in case. So, thanks for all the tips and I hope it all helps to reduce somewhat the amount of chemicals flushing down the tubes. So now, a cup of tea is in order, and then maybe another couple of windows....

Mickey 03-06-2009 02:52 PM

I'll PM my address and directions, come over here for a cup of tea and I'll be very glad to watch and learn how you get the windows all gleaming :oD. My notepad is at the ready - lol

I am also being invaded next week and am completely ashamed of the state of the place!

Well done on what is definitely a monumental task

bluecurlygirl 03-06-2009 02:58 PM

Good woman sandramcs. I hope you had a chocolate bikkie too after all that. Definitely deserved. I'm tired just reading about all your work. If you want to come and do my windows you're more than welcome!

Fizzywitch 03-06-2009 03:16 PM

Funny you should mention about the bicarb on your teeth. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that I had the start of staining on one of my teeth and used bicarb on my toothbrush, gave them a scrub and it came off after one go!

Pah! to all these miracle teeth cleaning chemicals!

It doesn't taste too bad either, just a bit salty.

My favorite is to clean the drains with it. Shovel a few teaspoons of bicarb down the plug hole, add a good glug of vinegar and then pour on boiling water from the kettle and watch it foam!!

And yes, why is white vinegar so expensive now, are the taking advantage of all of us who have started using it for cleaning as it used to be sold really cheaply!

sandramcs 03-06-2009 03:34 PM

Well, nice to hear from you all. Tea is drunk, no chocolate allowed in the house at the moment, long term reduction plan for a wedding outfit. Federer doing not too badly on the courts, and I will just clean the car windows for safety reasons before tackling the dinner. I don't usually have leisure for cleaning marathons, but have stopped work till August so am enjoying doing it in manageable spurts. I will keep you posted on Musgraves prices.

bluecurlygirl 18-06-2009 09:57 AM


Originally Posted by Chris P
The cleaner your home, the more toxic it may be...


Aw thanks Chris. I knew I was tolerating the mess for the good of my family ;-)

nanny56 27-06-2009 06:48 PM

natural cleaning alternatives

Originally Posted by unapam
Hi, I have tried the salt on my patio weeds and....ALL GONE!

Don't forget the loo. Throw a good dollop of white vinegar in for a few hours or overnight. Follow that when you'r ready to start cleaning with a handful of baking soda. It will fizz up and you can scrub to you hearts content knowing that you are not contributing to the planets pain! (and it doesn't cost the earth)

Gormal 22-08-2009 12:11 PM

Hi all very helpfull post keep it up.

Lemon juice is great for bringing your white tshirts back from the brink. I noticed that my other halfs were looking really dingy from sweat stains and probby deod too, this was after washing!!!
So I filled a bucket with hot water and lemon juice popped all his tees in there, soaked overnight and spun and hung on the line. Dazzling.
He's delighted. As am i as I don't have to listen to the complaints about cheap powder...etc or it's not a brand name.........blah blah

tasmin 22-08-2009 12:53 PM

dental tablets
hi all,
i found that if you use two dental tablets on stains with hot water the stain vanishes like magic.

they are great for the bath and loo too.

might try them on my tiles next :-)

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