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Old Posted: 29-07-2007 , 10:17 AM #16
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kilkenny
Posts: 12

Hey. the ebay idea is just basicly the way it is now but wit restrictions. You'd have 2 give it 2 d 1st person. n d lottery is flawed 4 a common reason. Id imagine derd b at least 1 case on d site where a requester of an item hadnt cortousy in his post. This person isnt deserving of d item. As it is now the owner of the item can choose who d item goes 2. the ignorant person could b rewarded with either of the above systems.
Btw not dat people should suck up either. But ppl can tell wen sum1 is genuine.
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Old Posted: 03-08-2007 , 12:08 PM #17
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Default English

Irnca it isnt necessary or even sensible to use text speak on the forum. It takes twice as long to read and double that to understand. You are not being charged per letter here. None of them are likely to punch a hole in the ozone layer or significantly affect your carbon footprint.
Every letter is sacred, every letter is great. ;)
AP resyklng
N nw fr smtn cmpltly dffrnt ;)
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Old Posted: 03-08-2007 , 12:18 PM #18
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Default courtesy

A man may smile and smile and be a villain. Courtesy in a post is also no guarantee that a person is so called deserving, the stories people tell in order to try to win the hearts of givers at times. Impossible to tell what a person is like from a single reply to a item. You may build up a picture over time but could also be completely off the mark. I think the point here is really the recycling not the recyclee, would it make a difference if the taker was in prison or a multibillionaire (apart from the iron bars) how would you know, no one hands in there cv when taking.

For the smooth operation of the site and clear feedback it would help if people consistently used the forum to indicate their interest before pm-ing and also if givers would update the status.
For the most part I have found the vast majority of people on here are pretty decent and some willing to go way beyond the call of duty to help others.
But some Takers are no angels
A common complaint from givers is of "being tired of being messed around"
I have experience of it myself, people dont show and never say why, despite all the arrangements made.
On the flip side, I think it undermines the workings of the site when givers post phone numbers or addresses. This means despite proper arrangements made anyone can turn up and take an item. I have had this happen twice.
But relatively speaking these have been a trivial annoyance compared to the very significant benefits I have enjoyed and the good will received from members of Jumbletown :) :) :) Keep up the brilliant work
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Old Posted: 04-08-2007 , 11:02 PM #19
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Kilkenny
Posts: 12

its all good and well for those who can touchtype. but anyway,no need to bitch about such a petty matter.
Anyway its very true about the number thing. and for the mostpart about hardluck stories etc. but still,a kind word never goes astray.
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Old Posted: 08-08-2007 , 10:00 PM #20
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 21

I just want to say that I advertised an item a number of weeks ago and a number of people replied with interest. I contacted the 1st person by text to say it was theirs - while awaiting his reply I got a really irrate call from another interested person snapping as me as to why I hadn't put reserved beside the item - as another comment said the responses all happen very quickly and in the spirit of fairness I really wanted to give the 1st person time to come back to me. This caller made me not want to get involved with the site again and I'm reluctant to advertise anything else. And don't worry I won't be advertising my phone number again!
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Old Posted: 08-08-2007 , 10:36 PM #21
Chris P
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Default from Admin

Originally Posted by cefor
I just want to say that I advertised an item a number of weeks ago and a number of people replied with interest. I contacted the 1st person by text to say it was theirs - while awaiting his reply I got a really irrate call from another interested person snapping as me as to why I hadn't put reserved beside the item - as another comment said the responses all happen very quickly and in the spirit of fairness I really wanted to give the 1st person time to come back to me. This caller made me not want to get involved with the site again and I'm reluctant to advertise anything else. And don't worry I won't be advertising my phone number again!

Hi cefor,

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience on this occasion. As a Giver, you are perfectly entitled to give your item to whomever you choose, be the first or tenth respondent. You are also entitled to give the potential Taker as much time as you like to get back to you, be it an hour or a month etc. No Member has the right to pressurise another Member in the Giving/Taking process. Such Members should be reported (by way of PM or email) to Admin.

You are also right not to post your telephone number (or any other personal information) on the Public Forum. Contact details should only be sent by PM to the person who intends to take the item.

Some Members do not avail of the PM system and sometimes post their complete address, directions to their home, and times when they will be in/out; Admin deletes this information as a matter of course.

Admin has not issued a blanket ban on telephone numbers on the Public Forum as some Members believe that telephone numbers help to quicken the Giving and Taking process (which is probably true).

Once again, sorry for your troubles, and thanks for the feedback.

Chris P
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Old Posted: 30-01-2008 , 01:23 AM #22
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Dublin
Posts: 112

This has been noted on more than one occasion yet in the guidelines the only reference is that the giver should update on the status of the item.
Is there any onus on a taker to indicate on thread their interest?
If more and more takers continue to send pm only and not make a note on the thread about their interest in an item, eventually the thread process becomes of little use to anyone.
The majority of regular users do follow the process openly and fairly but as jackbauer said "some people try to "short circuit" the inthread takers with a pm"
Is it within the remit of the site to remind people to use the thread for initial contact as this would seem fair to all.
Without feedback on the thread, it would seem to become a buyandsell scenario with people replying just to be told an item is gone, then eventually wont even bother.
Perhaps I am overstating as for the most part I dont think it is currently a major issue, but when it does happen it sours the process a little for others.
Any thoughts or comments.
Originally Posted by Bunty
I sometimes feel that some members are constantly sending pms, without advising other members that they have done so & get the item!

However this is just my personal feeling or observation.
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Old Posted: 30-01-2008 , 01:50 AM #23
Chris P
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Default from Admin

Originally Posted by acket
This has been noted on more than one occasion yet in the guidelines the only reference is that the giver should update on the status of the item.
Is there any onus on a taker to indicate on thread their interest?
If more and more takers continue to send pm only and not make a note on the thread about their interest in an item, eventually the thread process becomes of little use to anyone.
The majority of regular users do follow the process openly and fairly but as jackbauer said "some people try to "short circuit" the inthread takers with a pm"
Is it within the remit of the site to remind people to use the thread for initial contact as this would seem fair to all.
Without feedback on the thread, it would seem to become a buyandsell scenario with people replying just to be told an item is gone, then eventually wont even bother.
Perhaps I am overstating as for the most part I dont think it is currently a major issue, but when it does happen it sours the process a little for others.
Any thoughts or comments.
Hi acket,

As you say, at the moment Takers are not expected to reveal on the thread/ad/public forum the fact that they have sent a PM. This situation allows Members to conduct their business in absolute privacy but does create a degree of doubt for other JumbleTowners as to who is in the running (so to speak) for an item.

As you also say, most potential Takers do post on the thread also, and it is clear that this adds to the openness of the Giving and Taking process. The issue boils down to "privacy versus openness" (and the degrees of each which should be afforded Members). Some Takers may not wish to indicate on the public forum that they have requested a particular item (or even a large number of items) because it may reveal something about their circumstances. At the moment, the site is set up to afford them this privacy.

I'll put your thoughts to the managers of JumbleTown.

Thanks for the feedback.

Chris P
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Old Posted: 10-11-2008 , 12:01 AM #24
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ennis, Co. Clare
Posts: 1,459
Default hi

i dont like jackbauers idea of bidding 1st 2nd etc, nor do i like the idea that we should only give to the 1st person, if im giving an item away i want to be free to choose where it goes! admittedly they usually do go to the 1st person but thats just convienience to get rid of my clutter fast, if there were other people replyin for the same item i would like to think i could choose who i liked, esp if 1 of them had done something for me previously (its nice to return favours) also its often the case that the 1st person to respond just likes the item when the 8th person really needs it. leave jt as is just the way we like it!!!
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Old Posted: 10-11-2008 , 12:31 AM #25
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Location: Ennis, Co. Clare
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I agree with kiara, i do like to choose who gets my items. Not always the first reply. I do however find that quite a few people pm for an item instead of replying on the thread. I have asked on my threads that people reply on thread to try to avoid this. Some people send numerous pms for the same item, even after it has been marked reserved. Still, i think we need to take a deep breadth when this happens, because we can choose who gets the item ourselves and we do get rid of our clutter.
I too have replied for items that i didn't get, i'm sure a lot of us have, but there's no point dwelling on it. When it's gone it's gone and good luck to the new owner. There will be days when you do happen to receive an item and this is all just part of the giving and receiving process. Recycling is what we are doing, try not to get too stressed over the method used, we are all playing a part in protecting our planet, however big or small a part, we all count.
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Old Posted: 10-11-2008 , 02:21 PM #26
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Location: Ennis, Co. Clare
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Default good on ya betty

never thought of myself as an eco-warrior before!
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Old Posted: 19-11-2008 , 11:49 PM #27
Join Date: Jul 2007
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Posts: 204

It is an idea.
I think some people manage their threads very badly. Very few to be fair. But I have replied to threads by the same person 2 or 3 times and they didn't even respond, just removed the thread. In fact, they always remove their threads after a day or 2 without marking as 'taken'. It's quite annoying but I will avoid their threads from now on. It makes me wonder if they ever had something to give in the first place lol!

Sometimes I have an item marked reserved and it is removed (before 6 days are up) so I can't go back and mark it taken. I don't like this because I would hate anyone watching the thread to think I didn't actually give the item away, especially if there was loads of replies.

Some people are also seriously lacking in manners. I have had people turn up and not even say thank you. Agh! I hate that, especially if it was something really really good I was giving away. I wish I could take it back and give it to someone else. It has only happened a handful of times thank goodness and again, now I know who to avoid giving to. (Another reason I don't always do 1st come 1st served)
Lately some people have made me wish I had sold the items rather than put them on JT. At least that way I wouldn't be thinking "that fecker so did not deserve that!" lol

Most JTrs are lovely though. It always amazes me, even when I have given away things that are worth very little and had people turn up with chocolates, cakes for my children, even try to offer me money (which i would NEVER accept by the way). That so uneccessary and so thoughtful.

Yes, JT is not a charity and no-one expects an award for giving something away but a simple thank you costs nothing.

I am reconsidering what I give away on JT from now on though.
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Old Posted: 20-11-2008 , 12:15 AM #28
Chris P
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Default from Admin

Hi Jumbles,

Originally Posted by Jumbles
...they always remove their threads after a day or 2 without marking as 'taken'.

Only Admin can remove threads from the Forum, and these are usually already marked as Taken or haven't been updated.

Originally Posted by Jumbles
Sometimes I have an item marked reserved and it is removed (before 6 days are up) so I can't go back and mark it taken.

This very,very rarely happens and if it does, it is by accident. The dates of correspondence on all Reserved ads are checked carefully before they are archived. If you look at the oldest Reserved ads in the Baby Items/Toys/Clothes forum right now, you'll notice that they were indicated as Reserved on the 13th Nov and so will be archived in the early hours of the 20th, a full six days later.

If you wish to mark an archived item as taken, you can ask Admin to do it for you, or else ask them to temporarily repost it on the Forum.

Originally Posted by Jumbles
Some people are also seriously lacking in manners. I have had people turn up and not even say thank you.

All that Admin can do is remind Members of our Netiquette guidelines...here:

Originally Posted by Jumbles
Lately some people have made me wish I had sold the items rather than put them on JT. At least that way I wouldn't be thinking "that fecker so did not deserve that!" lol.

As you know, JumbleTown is not a charity site -- its raison d'etre is to help people clear up space in their homes/workplace in an environmental fashion. A Giver's first priority should be "I want to clear out that space, now" and not "Who deserves this item?" But of course, it's only natural to wish to pass on an item to a deserving person, but in the eyes of Admin, all Members are deserving, whether they be prince or pauper, courtly or uncouth! :)

Originally Posted by Jumbles
Most JTrs are lovely though...
Too true...

Thanks for the feedback, Jumbles!

Chris P
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Old Posted: 26-11-2008 , 09:45 PM #29
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Ennis, Co. Clare
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hi all, i agree with jumbles, manners cost nothing! also when (rare) people reply to threads with, im 1st i can collect at..., i want it, or generally giving orders you can be sure i will not give to that person, chris is right the purpose of getting rid is simply to get rid but i still dont want to deal with people like that! kiara x
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