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Old Posted: 05-10-2008 , 07:55 PM #1
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Big city of Belturbet
Posts: 506
Default Avaaz (Climate Change)

Online petition re climate change. Here's the link for anyone who wants to know more about it or wants to sign it/send it on. Thanks guys.

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Old Posted: 06-10-2008 , 08:42 PM #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Big city of Belturbet
Posts: 506
Default Sorry guys

I hadn't gone into the link myself and just assumed it was an online petition. I didn't realise that you had to compile an email yourself. For anyone who is interested this is the email I've sent off. Feel free to copy and paste it/amend it and send it off yourselves to the following:
avril.doyle@europarl.europa.eu; kathy.sinnott@europarl.europa.eu; liam.aylward@europarl.europa.eu

This is the body text I've sent:

Earlier this year I had a little celebration when finally the G8 members agreed that co2 emissions had to be cut. It was time to look seriously at climate change and to take action, however conservative the targets were at least there were targets. Then it occured to me that this is in fact what leaders of nearly 200 countries signed up to in the original UN climate change convention at the 1992 Earth Summit. Be that as it may, I honestly believed that this time it would be taken seriously.

After all, on a daily basis we are being shown how climate change is affecting us. In five years time (yes five years) there will be no arctic ice caps during the summer months. So in five years time we will have successfully obliterated yet another species. Best get a polar bear stuffed and mounted shortly so we can show future generations what they looked like. Time is running out for us all unfortunately and we are helping to speed up the destruction of our beautiful home - planet earth.

Now I read that, not only are the targets not being taken seriously but the "Great" member countries are working very hard to undermine them by creating a system whereby you can buy a "licence to pollute". I wonder when the so-called "great" member countries were devising this plan if they happened to take a look at the US programme to reduce sulphur dioxide emissions to combat acid rain? Whereby in certain circles this project was viewed as a great success, it turned out to be highly detrimental to the poorer communities in which the pollution was allowed to continue. Surely, if a country exceeds its targets for reducing co2 emissions then that fact alone is reward enough? They don't need monetary gain also do they or has absolutely everything come down to money now even working together to save our planet?

Instead of spending money to buy emission credits from other member states, surely the money would be better spent educating people on methods of reusing, reducing and recyling etc. Spend money introducing alternative fuels. Ban coal fired power stations. Ban the spreading of slurry. By all means support developing countries with technology and funding to reduce their own emissions. But let's get our own house in order too. That would have a much more positive effect on our environment as a whole and in this time of recession, surely we should be spending our money WISELY not DESTRUCTIVELY.

I beg of you now, as an Irish Citizen born and bred, do not sign up to this highly dangerous and detrimental climate package - for all our sakes.


(Your name here obviously)

Not exactly poetic I know but at least they have my opinion. Should've enlisted the help of a few people on here (tribesman!!!)
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Old Posted: 06-10-2008 , 08:55 PM #3
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 591
Default thanks

Very well said good for you i think you done great thanks wish the powers that be would listen but if no money involved i think not
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Old Posted: 06-10-2008 , 08:59 PM #4
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Yeah I know but you gotta try anyway. Maybe one day we'll get lucky and they'll remember what's really important - family, friends, the love of good people, and a nice place in which to enjoy it all healthily and happily. Not money - that's the ruination of us all. Gosh, shoulda been around at the time of woodstock - real hippy me!!
Thanks for the support though.
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Old Posted: 09-10-2008 , 08:49 PM #5
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Default Update

Just to let you guys know I have got a reply from Avril Doyle and Kathy Sinnott so far (nothing yet from Liam Aylward) but as Meat Loaf says "two out of three....). Maybe they are listening. They didn't look like automated replies. They did quote back some of the stuff I said to them so ... the eternal optimist!
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Old Posted: 09-10-2008 , 09:07 PM #6
Chris P
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Originally Posted by bluecurlygirl
Just to let you guys know I have got a reply from Avril Doyle and Kathy Sinnott so far (nothing yet from Liam Aylward) but as Meat Loaf says "two out of three....). Maybe they are listening. They didn't look like automated replies. They did quote back some of the stuff I said to them so ... the eternal optimist!
Well done, bluecurlygirl! With more shoulders to the wheel, we can make a difference.

Chris P
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Old Posted: 09-10-2008 , 09:41 PM #7
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Location: Big city of Belturbet
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Default Thanks Chris

Hope more people sent it. We sit back and take too much in this country. Our local hospital's A&E is being closed for two weeks in November and two weeks starting Christmas week and continuing into the new year and nobody's said a word. They can't afford to keep it open! I wonder did any of the fat cats at the top offer part of their fat salaries to help out though? I'm not getting started on that. I vent too much frustration here and there's too much good meaning on this site to bring it down so I won't try. But thanks again anyway.
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Old Posted: 14-10-2008 , 01:29 PM #8
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Big city of Belturbet
Posts: 506
Default Hi again

Rather than starting a new thread I'm posting again on this. Avaaz are looking for names again. They need 25,000 in the next 24 hours and they've only got 6400 so far. It's to petition the governments not to let the current financial crisis overshadow the commitments they have made towards climate change. It is an online petition this time and you don't have to compile any emails - so hardly any work involved. Thanks a million guys and gals.
www.avaaz.org is the website
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Old Posted: 16-07-2009 , 08:54 AM #9
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 346

I was searching for the big thread that I posted in before on this subject, but couldn't find it. Anyway, looks like the petition worked as well as a lot more Avaaz have been involved in, just got this newsletter from them :)

Dear friends,

Here's a quick report back on recent campaigning at Avaaz. Our community has grown like wildfire and is becoming really extraordinary -- the pace and impact of our advocacy is intense. In just the last 8 weeks, we've run 9 major national and global campaigns on issues ranging from climate change to Iran to Guantanamo. Much more remains to be done on all these issues -- but together we're contributing in powerful ways. Here are some highlights from the last 8 weeks:

Brazilian rainforest - Brazilian Avaaz members made 14000 phone calls and sent 30,000 online messages to President Lula's office in two days(!) and in the 11th hour successfully reversed a law that would hand over much of the Amazon rainforest to agrobusiness for exploitation - this was a major victory on climate change since the Amazon consumes enormous amounts of the greenhouse gasses that are warming the earth.

G8 Summit - last week 130,000 Avaaz members signed a petition in 48 hours calling for the G8 industrial countries to limit global warming to 2 degrees celsius - focusing on shaming 3 countries who were blocking progress. The petition was delivered at the summit to UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown (see image at right), along with giant personalized postcards.

Outside the summit, Avaaz members stripped down to green underwear in a humorous theatrical delivery of the campaign's message that generated substantial media coverage (pictured at right). As Avaaz and partners built pressure in Italy and around the world, the blocking countries relented, and the G8 leaders agreed to the 2 degree goal! However, they failed to agree on specific actions to make the goal a reality -- our challenge now is to make sure leaders live up to their rhetorical commitments with a binding global treaty at the UN summit in Copenhagen this December.

Iran Protests - our community rapidly responded to the election crisis in Iran with an opinion poll to gauge the views of ordinary Iranians, a petition to world leaders to withhold recognition of the new President until the crackdown on protests ceased, and a fundraiser to support technology that would allow Iranians to freely access the internet. The rapidly deteriorating security situation has made it difficult to conduct the poll (final word on that coming this week), but the technology fundraiser has raised over a hundred thousand dollars to support the best tools for Iranians to access the internet and communicate freely. The situation in Iran remains uncertain, and we will continue to both support freedom of expression and oppose those who would exploit this crisis to justify military action against Iran.

Japan climate targets - In Japan, we raised the alarm as the Prime Minister Taro Aso was about to choose a damagingly weak climate targets. Funded by small online donations, Avaaz ran a national opinion poll that showed that 63% of Japanese people wanted strong targets, publicized it in the press, in a full page ad in the country's largest business newspaper, and one in the Aso's favourite comic book (see right). Internationally, Avaaz ran a front page ad in the Financial Times, and Avaaz members demonstrated and met with Japanese climate negotiators at summits in Paris and Bonn.

At last, the Prime Minister announced a target stronger than polluting industries had urged -- but far from strong enough to stop catastrophic climate change. So we redoubled the pressure with a widely-covered international press conference dubbing the Japanese leader "George W. Aso" -- comparing him to Bush for holding back progress on climate change.

Free Burma's political prisoners - Over 400,000 of us signed a major petition to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon asking him to make the release of Nobel prize winning political prisoner Aung San Suu Kyi and other political prisoners his top priority. The petition was delivered in an extended meeting with Moon's office and in a press conference at the UN in New York. The UN chief issued a strong statement backing the release of Suu Kyi and traveled to Burma to attempt to meet with her, but was rebuffed by Burma's military junta. International pressure did cause the junta to delay a new show trial to extend Aung San Suu Kyi's prison sentence, but it will take much more pressure to secure her release.

United States and Torture - A global fundraiser and petition on stopping torture and closing Guantanamo prison allowed Avaaz to secure a giant, 9 story billboard just blocks from the White House in the heart of Washington DC to deliver our message -- but at the last minute the company selling the ad space refused, despite members of the US congress offering to help unveil the billboard in a press conference. Avaaz has now secured an alternative option for delivering our edgy message that will have Washington DC buzzing with our call for justice.

UN Climate Summit - At a major summit on climate change in Bonn, Avaaz recruited among members in Germany to help our partners organize a massive 500 person aerial photo spelling out 'Yes You Can' as a message to leaders discussing climate targets (see right). It helped raise the profile and urgency of these faltering but urgent talks. Avaaz also sent a 16-person lobbying/activist team to the summit negotiations and members in 10 key countries joined "negotiator tracking teams" that are following and responding to urgent needs to press individual country negotiators at these summits.

Peru - Avaaz arranged with local indigenous and top political allies to deliver a global petition against new laws that would cause massive devastation to the Peruvian rainforest and its people, taking out an ad in the national newspaper (at right). The ad and campaign generated much attention, and the domestic and international pressure worked, for now -- the Peruvian congress has revoked the controversial laws!

Israel - As Prime Minister Netanyahu prepared to make a speech responding to Obama's historic Cairo address and demand that Israel stop illegal settlements of Palestinian land, Avaaz took out a front page ad in a major newspaper - Haaretz - delivering a joint petition from global and Israeli Avaaz members edgily asking Netanyahu to 'be more like Obama' and stop the settlements. Netanyahu has so far refused, but we're helping to build an unprecedented wave of Israeli and global pressure and attention on this issue.

The petitions, fundraisers, rallies, and lobbying campaigns our community is doing are having an incredible impact. Avaaz has grown by 50,000 people a week and is now almost 3.6 million engaged citizens in every country of the world -- and we're truly global - operating in 14 languages our community has 25,000 members in Singapore, 35,000 in South Africa, 130,000 in Italy, 50,000 in Mexico... There hasn't really been a community like ours before, able to rapidly and effectively mobilize people power all over the world to the greatest needs and concerns of all human beings -- it's a reason for hope.

It's also an exciting journey -- looking forward to taking on the next 8 weeks, and 8 months, and 8 years together!

With hope,
Ricken, Alice, Pascal, Ben, Veronique, Paul, Graziela, Brett, Raluca, Luis, Raj, Milena, Paula, Iain, Taren, Margaret and the whole Avaaz team.

PS - To see some of the highlights of Avaaz campaigning in 2007 and 2008 and leave a comment, click here:

And to check out other recent Avaaz campaigning highlights like our climate victory in Germany, our messages to Obama wall in DC, the delivery of our Swine Flu petition to the WHO, our Green Recovery march at G20 Summit in London, or our support to Tibetan organizations to break the blackout on their communications -- visit the Avaaz blog: http://www.avaaz.org/blog/en/.

Want to support Avaaz? We're entirely funded by donations and receive no money from governments or corporations. Our dedicated online team ensures even the smallest contributions go a long way -- donate here.

ABOUT AVAAZ Avaaz.org is an independent, not-for-profit global campaigning organization that works to ensure that the views and values of the world's people inform global decision-making. (Avaaz means "voice" in many languages.) Avaaz receives no money from governments or corporations, and is staffed by a global team based in Ottawa, London, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Buenos Aires, and Geneva.

Click here to learn more about our largest campaigns.

Don't forget to check out our Facebook and Myspace and Bebo pages! You can also follow Avaaz on Twitter!

You are getting this message because you signed "G8: Climate action now!" on 2007-04-03 using the email address cos_ie@hotmail.com. To ensure that Avaaz messages reach your inbox, please add avaaz@avaaz.org to your address book. To change your email address, language settings, or other personal information, https://secure.avaaz.org/act/index.p...e2a705&lang=en, or simply go here to unsubscribe.

To contact Avaaz, please do not reply to this email. Instead, write to us via the webform at http://www.avaaz.org/en/contact. You can also call us at +1-888-922-8229 (US) or +55 21 2509 0368 (Brazil).
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